Monday, June 18, 2012

Jeffrey Campbell Shoes

Jeffrey Campbell shoes are one of the most popular shoe brands around. There are so many styles and colors to choose from. Whether you want a girly shoe or something with an edge, Jeffrey Campbell has a shoe for you.

Jeffrey Campbell Litas are probably the most popular type of Jeffrey Campbell shoes available. They've been seen on celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Ashley Benson, Demi Lovato, and Lindsey Lohan. My personal favorites are the Jeffrey Campbell spiked Lita boots, shown below.

These shoes are killer! They could add so much to an outfit and they are definitely a statement piece. I would love to own a pair of these. However I am still in high school, a 15 year old girl walking around in 5" heels is a little ridiculous, but they will definitely be purchased once I'm old enough!

Jeffrey Campbell shoes sell for about 100$+ they are definitely expensive but worth it in my opinion. Their SHOES! They can be worn all the time and with anything. And they are very good quality.
Places to purchase Jeffrey Campbell shoes:

Nasty Gal:
Urban Outfitters:

If the look of Jeffrey Campbell shoes is what you're interested in but you don't necessarily want to spend the money I suggest purchasing look a likes. sells shoes extremely similar to Jeffrey Campbell shoes but without the expensive price!

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